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New trends and developments by Zevenhuis sustainability coach

kevinzevenhuis on 6 oktober 2014



October 2014 – Where the Cabinet is primarily concerned with achieving the goals for the generation of sustainable energy in 2020, a silent change can be seen in the landscape of West Friesland: there are an increasing number of solar panels on roofs

‘Now I only have to facilitate and no longer have to preach’.

New trends and developments by Zevenhuis sustainability coach, Cees Groot

Where the Cabinet is primarily concerned with achieving the goals for the generation of sustainable energy in 2020, a silent change can be seen in the landscape of West Friesland: there are an increasing number of solar panels on roofs.

After the first sustainability pioneers discovered that money could be earned with these roofs, an increasing number of small and medium-sized businesses are switching to solar panels. A new roof is added every week.

Why is that? Why now and not five years ago? An important gauge for shifting trends is the support base amongst companies. That has changed considerably and will change even more. Where the majority of entrepreneurs pulled a face 15 years ago when I talked about solar panels, now there is a proposal before I even walk through the door as a consultant. ‘Now I only have to facilitate and no longer have to preach’.

Calculating the specific energy and tax savings for each company clarifies whether solar panels at their premises will be profitable. With the multifunctional use of the roof, business premises can do more than just generate energy – they can also store more water by laying sedum on the roof.

Whether the business premises can supply more energy on balance is highly dependent on the relationship between the energy use and the dimensions of the roof surface. This is already the case at collective business premises and small and medium-sized business premises with between 800 to 6000 m2 of floor space. They discover the new space: the roof. Would you like this as well? Contact me at

The point of departure is that the more sustainable applications produce profit for both the companies and society, and therefore our future.

In relation to sustainability, at Zevenhuis the point of departure is that we want to make sustainability a constant focus of attention for everyone who wants to make the world a little better. With profit, and in cooperation with all of the customers and employees of every company.