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Establishment of a Multi Traffic Point at Zevenhuis

kevinzevenhuis on 6 januari 2016



January 2016 – the Marees Groep, Avia Marees, have signed a contract to establish a Multi Traffic Point by the entrance of Zevenhuis.

The Marees Groep Holding – better known as AVIA Marees – will establish itself at the Zevenhuis business park. AVIA Marees, a family-owned business, is an independent petroleum dealer operating under the international AVIA brand.

In addition to a petrol station and other services for motorists, AVIA Marees also intends to open a café/restaurant facility with sports facilities and a business centre with flexible workplaces and meeting rooms. In time, a hotel is also a possibility. Jan Marees envisages a phased construction plan that will be built in modules, to be ready when the Westfrisiaweg/N23 is completed in 2017.

Marees will operate the petrol station itself, whilst other business operators will be sought for the remaining facilities. The first parties have already reported an interest in the operations. That Marees is going for supply chain cooperation, co-creation and knowledge sharing fits entirely into what Zevenhuis stands for.

Zevenhuis perceives the added value in this joining of forces at the entrance of the business park. It fits precisely with what the operator wants in terms of infrastructure, appearance, design and layout as well as accessibility, not only for motorists but also for employees and residents. The petrol station will strengthen the appeal of the business park.

You can find more information about AVIA Marees at